Bob lives on the Applegate River and can often be found boating the waters of the Rogue Valley with his trusty dog, Blue. He started boating in 1980, shortly after graduating from Southern Oregon University. On one of his first trips down the Rogue, one of the boats in his party was stranded on the picket fence and was rescued by Willie Illingworth of Willie Boat fame. Bob said it left a strong impression on him to see a one-handed man perform a rescue that no able-bodied person in his party could do, and it left him with an ideal to live up to. These days, Bob is the one we all count on for support. He likes to run sweep and is always there to offer words of encouragement to newcomers, a strong back to tote and carry gear, a ready smile, and an endless supply of really bad jokes. He loves boating as a way to get back to nature and be one with the river, away from the distraction of cell phones and other entanglements of modern life. His other hobbies include gathering wild mushrooms and riding horses.
Home River: Applegate
Favorite River: Grand Canyon