Hover over events and select them individually to get a description of the event.
General Meeting
Grants Pass, Tap Rock in large Room — Contact: Bob Burch, (541) 973-3575, dwburch@charter.net
Speaker will be Dave Meurer from RES, the company who is doing the revegetation and restoration work on the NEW Klamath, underneath the old dam footprints.
Wilderness First Aid Class
Note: Members need CRP First Aid Cert that is less then two years old to take this class.
What: Wilderness First Aid taught by Red Cross.
Where: White City Fire Department District 3 Class room at 8383 Agate Rd, White City, OR 97503.
When: 8:30 to 5:30 on Aplril 26th and 27th.
Cost for Members: This class is subsidized by NWRA so that you will only pay $70/person when you register to take it. Your registration is dependant upon being a current NWRA member for at least two years or a member with a two year paid mebership.
For the link to register and pay the $70 fee contact Greg Robinson at ridingDiving@yahoo.com
North Umpqua River Campout
(DATE TBD) Campout and float in conjunction with the OWA at Horseshoe Bend Campground, Deer Flat. Paddle two sections of the North Umpqua (Class II and III with one Class IV, pool and drop). Dutch Oven competition on Saturday night with prizes in three categories.Joint NWRA/OWA outing,
Contact: Walt & Jody Bammann, wbamman@wizzards.net, jbammann48@icloud.com
Klamath River Campout
Happy Camp at Curly Jack Campground, Class II’s and III’s with one Class IV.
Contact: Greg Robinson, ridingdiving@yahoo.com
The lucky few who get there by 10:00 a.m. on the 17th will have an opportunity to run the river that day.
McKenzie River Campout
McKenzie Bridge Campground, Class II, III and possibly one IV. Continuous gradient with cold water.
Contact: Cecil Lesley & Marianne Musitelli, clesley312@aol.com
North Umpqua River
Note: We usually camp at the Horeshoe Bend CG campground; however, it is currently closed for reservation.
In case we can’s get reservations at Horseshoe Bend CG I have reserved three
camp sites at Susan Creek Campground for our dates on the Umpquh.
Boating on two sections of the North Umpqua River, Class II and III with one IV, pool and drop.
Contact: Greg Robinson, ridingdiving@yahoo.com
Swift Water Rescue Class
What: Swift Water Rescue Class tought by Nature Nicole. Limit 12 people.
Where: TBD.
When: 8:30 to 5:30 on 07/23/2025 and 07/24/2025.
Cost for Members: This class cost NWRA $300/person. NWRA is subdizing members cost so that you will only pay a Deposit of $100/person, provided you have either a two year membership or have been a member for at least two years.
Note: The link below will mention the $300 cost, but will only charge you a $100 Deposit to register. NWRA will pay the rest.
After paying the link will email you libility forms which you can download, print, sign, and bring to class.
Here is the link to register for the NWRA Swiftwater Rescue Course
Note If link will not work for you let Greg Robinson know @ ridingDiving@yahoo.com
South Fork American River Campout
Coloma, CA. Boating on two to three sections of the South Fork American River. Class II and III, pool and drop.
Contact: David Tyrrell, dtyrrell@live.com
Deschutes River Campout
Deshutes River, Maupin - Maupin City Park CG. Class III with one Class IV.
Contact: Bob Burch, dwburch@charter.net
General Meeting at Freed Winery
In Roseburg, Potluck, barbecue, and general meeting at Freed Estate Winery, 430 Hooten Road, Winston.
Contact: Bryan Freed, befreedwinefarm@aol.com.
Road Clean-Up
North Umpqua Highway 138
Join us for this great service project. We will meet on Highway 138 at Gravel Bin boat access at 10:00 AM and be done in two hours.
Contact Francesca Guyer
Holiday Party
Greg & Shelleys ——— In Roseburg at Walt and Jody’s house.
Contact: Walt & Jody, wbamman@wizzards.net
Meeting at SOTAR
Merlin at SOTAR. Jeremiah will give us a tour of the facilities, and the club will provide sodas and pizza or snacks.
Holiday Party
Greg & Shelleys ——— In Grants Pass at 1980 Southgate Way.
Contact: Greg Robinson, ridingDivng@yahoo.com
General Meeting
Grants Pass (Tap Rock - Board Room).
Contact: Bob Burch, dwburch@charter.net
Road Clean-Up
North Umpqua Highway 138
Join us for this great service project. We will meet on Highway 138 at Gravel Bin boat access at 10:00 AM and be done in two hours.
Contact Francesca Guyer
General Meeting at Freed Winery
(DATE PENDING) — In Roseburg, Potluck, barbecue, and general meeting at Freed Estate Winery, 430 Hooten Road, Winston.
Contact: Bryan Freed, befreedwinefarm@aol.com.
Deschutes River Campout
Deshutes River, Maupin - Maupin City Park CG. Class III with one Class IV.
Contact: Bob Burch, dwburch@charter.net
Lower Rogue River float
Note: This Is not a sponsored NWRA event.
Lower Rogue River Opportunity. Steve Johnson has secured a permit starting on July 30th for a run down the Lower Rogue river. Contact Steve Johnson at ineed2efs@gmail.com for any and all information.
Klamath River Campout
Happy Camp at Curly Jack Campground, Class II’s and III’s with one Class IV.
Contact: Greg Robinson, ridingdiving@yahoo.com
The lucky few who get there by 10:00 a.m. on the 14th will get an extra river run.
Wild and Scenic Rogue River Clean-Up
In conjunction with BLM, boaters will help clean up the beaches and river corridor on the Wild and Scenic Rogue. This is a 3-day downriver trip. Experience the beautiful Rogue in springtime while giving something back to our “home river”.
Spring Float
North Umpqua, Whistler’s Bend, class II (with other options available)
NOTE: Participants will need to make their own reservations at Whistler’s Bend if camping out.
Contact: Tom Dube, twdube@q.com
General Meeting
In Glide at Coho Pizza
Contact: Jaley and Dave Bullock, umpquadave@gmail.com, OR jaley312@gmail.com
General Meeting
Merlin at Sotar OR Grants Pass — Contact: Bob Burch, dwburch@charter.net
First Aid/CPR Training
At the Jackson County Fire District #3 Admin. Bldg in White City (near Medford for those who are unfamiliar).
Contact: Marianne Musitelli, clesley312@aol.com.
Note: We have two slots open for the class.
General Meeting
Grants Pass — Contact: Bob Burch, dwburch@charter.net
Speaker: Bill Cross, who is one of the authors of Western Whitewater, will be coming to speak to us. Bill is a boater who has been working with American Whitewater on Klamath River issues and advocating for boating interests and recreational opportunities as part of the river restoration plan for the areas being undammed.
General Meeting
Grants Pass, Tap Rock — Contact: Bob Burch, (541) 973-3575, dwburch@charter.net
General Meeting
Roseburg, Round Table Pizza, Contact: Jody Bammann, (541) 530- 7487, jbammann48@icloud.com
Road Clean-Up
North Umpqua Highway
Join us for this great service project. We will meet on Highway at the gravel bin at 10:00 AM and be done in two hours.
Contact Francesca Guyer
General Meeting at Freed
Freed Winery, Roseburg
Potluck, barbecue, and general meeting at Freed Estate Winery, 430 Hooten Road, Winston.
Deschutes River Campout
Maupin - Maupin City Park CG, Contact: Bob Burch, (541) 973-3575, dwburch@charter.net
Class III with one Class IV.
South Fork American River Campout
Coloma, CA. Boating on two to three sections of the South Fork American River. Class II and III, pool and drop. Contact: David Tyrrell, (559) 310-1725, dtyrrell@live.com
North Umpqua River Camground
Horseshoe Bend Campground. Boating on two sections of the North Umpqua River, Class II and III with one IV, pool and drop., Contact: Greg Robinson, (541) 826-4159, ridingdiving@yahoo.com
McKenzie River Campout
McKenzie Bridge Campground, Class II, III and IV. Continuous gradient with cold water. Contact: Cecil Lesley & Marianne Musitelli, (541) 891-4790, clesley312@aol.com
Swiftwater Rescue Class
Rogue River, Contact: Marianne Musitelli, (541) 850-5975, clesley312@aol.com.
A members-only Level 4 ACA Swiftwater Rescue Class provided by Nature Nicole Whitewater held on the recreational Rogue. Come learn and practice the skills we all need to be able to respond to on-the water emergencies. This class is for all skill levels, beginner to expert. Non-certification class.
Klamath River Campout
Happy Camp at Curly Jack Campground, Class II’s and III’s with one Class IV. Contact: Greg Robinson, (541) 826-3159, ridingdiving@yahoo.com
The lucky few who get there by 10:00 a.m. on the 14th will get an extra river run.
North Umpqua River Campout
Campout and float in conjunction with the OWA at Horseshoe Bend Campground, Deer Flat. Paddle two sections of the North Umpqua (Class II and III with one Class IV, pool and drop). Dutch Oven competition on Saturday night with prizes in three categories.Joint NWRA/OWA outing, Contact: Walt Bammann, (541) 530- 7523, wbamman@wizzards.net
Wild and Scenic Rogue River Clean-Up
Contact: Pete Collins, (541) 430-2961, petercollins77@hotmail.com
In conjunction with BLM, boaters will help clean up the beaches and river corridor on the Wild and Scenic Rogue. This is a 3-day downriver trip. Experience the beautiful Rogue in springtime while giving something back to our “home river”.